Brand new items at the Fun Fair shop...
Eight more items can now be obtained at the Fun Fa...

Arghhh! It be me Cap'n Buck e Barnacle. I am herrre to let you moshi monsterrs know that I have returrned from my quick expidition to Twistmas Island! Therre it be Twistmas all yearr round. I reckon I have enough stock to get you through the Twistmas seaserrn so come and see me at the Port. See what takes yer fancy.
I expect to come across some morr Twistmas Treasures throughout the December month so keep an eye on me store to see what turns up. And be warrned moshi monsters, these items will only be herre from now until the end of Decemberr. Once they be gone, they be gone. I hope to see some of you herre real soon.
From yer matey,