11th Jan 2025

A Shocking New Moshling Discovery!



Moshling Extraordinare Buster Bumblechops here. I'm writing to you with exciting news! I was taking a stroll down OuchiPoo Park to feed the Tubby Huggishis when I noticed a solid gold throne had perched itself firmly into the grass! There was quite a perculiar fellow reclined atop it, adjusting their nose and whispering demands to a couple of Blooming Wonders nearby. I waited for them to scutter along and headed in to ask some questions. 


Erm... Sad to say but this glamarous Moshling didn't want anything to do with me. They answered a small amount of my questions before sending me flying out of the park with an enormous shockwave! It would turn out that they are indeed the fabled Regal Roarers I had heard rumours about from King Brian, the Dandy Lion. I had assumed all this time that he was telling fibs but it would appear not! I can see why he tries to mimic this little critter; it must be nice having everyone run around and do your deeds whilst you sit back and relax! I'm told it's not all play and no work however; I copped one of the Blooming Wonders on the way out and they told me that Regal Roarers are responsible for generating the wildlife all around us and are even responsible for bringing life to Smiley Sunflowers! I have no evidence to back this rather bold claim up, but it could be possible! They've certainly earnt their status if so.









It was when I was wrapping up my adventure and about to call a cab when I noticed an entire line of Blooming Wonders stretching from the hills beneath me right back into the park! They all seemed to have their hands full of flowers. If there's one thing I know about Moshlings, it's that they can't resist flowers! Once I've figured out exactly what kind of flowers Regal Roarers like I'm sure I can convince them to stay at my Sanctuary. For now I've asked a Blooming Wonder in my Sanctuary all they know about these fine fellows and written out a biography for them. If my hunting goes to plans you should be seeing this Moshling in your Zoo quite soon!

That's all for now. Cheerio!

Buster Bumblechops Signature

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